SCV Signal
May 13, 2021

“One year ago, 25th Congressional District families first elected me to represent them in Congress…

“I spent my entire Navy career flying toward the fight. I took that same mentality from the cockpit to Washington, where I’m fighting every day against a push to nationalize California’s high taxes and jobs-killing policies. 

“While House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her liberal pals are preparing to follow in Sacramento’s footsteps with the first major federal tax hike in 30 years, I remain committed to fighting for lower taxes for California families: 

“Introduced the SALT Fairness Act in January to repeal the state and local tax (SALT) deduction cap that is crushing middle-class families in our district. 

“Cosponsored the Let States Cut Taxes Act to support struggling small businesses by lifting restrictions placed on COVID-19 relief money that ban states from providing tax relief during the pandemic…

“While Washington, D.C., progressives are pushing job-crushing policies like the PRO Act, I am working to secure American jobs and grow employment opportunities as the pandemic recovery picks up. 

“Cosponsored the Gig Worker Equity Compensation Act, which would protect American workers by preventing California’s failed Assembly Bill 5 from spreading to the national level…

“And in the midst of a crisis at our border, Washington progressives are looking to California as a model for immigration and law enforcement policies that are putting our neighborhoods and families in danger. I am working to ensure security for our communities and families…

“This fight is not over. 

“One year in, and we are just getting started. 

“California is home, and it’s too good to give up on…”

Read the rest here.


Mike Garcia believes in a strong national defense and is a pro-business, pro-taxpayer, political outsider with nearly 20 years of service to this country as one of the first Super Hornet strike fighter pilots in the Navy and is a highly decorated US Naval Officer.  Garcia is a first-generation American whose father immigrated to the US in 1959 and has lived in the 25th district for nearly all of his life.  Garcia lives in Santa Clarita with his wife and two sons. He was elected to Congress on May 12, 2020, winning a Special Election with 55% and becoming the first California Republican to flip a Democrat seat since 1998.

The 25th district encompasses the cities of Santa Clarita, Simi Valley, Palmdale, Lancaster and the northern part of the San Fernando Valley.  The median income is $76,866 and the ethnic breakdown is 45.8% White, 8% Black, 7.7% Asian and 35.3% Hispanic.  
To learn more about Mike and his campaign for Congress, visit